Have you seen my brother?

It's been years since I last saw him. I'm still searching. I'm not giving up just yet. That illusionist creeps got goons running around. I don't know what they're tryna do but I know it just ain't good. I've been tryin' to lay low every now and again, constantly on the move, gotta keep 'em on their toes. Can't let them find out I'm still kickin'.
I met some punk musician by the name of Arty. He sure can pack a punch I'll say that much...Jeez. Scared the flyin shit outta me. But we're cool now... I think?
He comes to the shop every now and again. Sometimes I think he's coming to kick my ass.

I found him I really found him! Atleast I think I did. I know I shouldn't jump to conclusions ya' know? But.. this... Singer guy really resembles him. It just has to be him I know it. I just know so. I.. truly hope so.
It's been so lonely here without an older brother to heckle. I miss when we'd run a muck of tha' town. The good ole days... Before I lost the old mucker.
Arty and I are gonna head out and try to reach him. Just gotta see where the damn guy is and book a flight?? Maybe it'd be easier by train. Arty and I will figure it out. I can't sleep at night I keep wondering if he's been looking for me too, maybe thinks I'm dead. I can't wait to surprise him!! Would he... Would he even remember me? He's gotta! He's been stuck with me 80% of our lives!

First he doesn't remember me. Turns out the ole boy had amnesia because of that..that freak! Now someone's out to kill 'em! I bet it's that same freak that tried to hurt us..hurt..Sammy. Not to mention his poor wive is worried dick.. the poor dear.
My sleep schedule has been fucked out of it's mind, I keep worryin' about Sam. I'm so scared his light is gonna fade. That's what the fucker wants. He wants to snuff out our light. They were always jealous of Sam, I just know they're going to go for him first. It got weirder when Sam gave me the job back then. They always acted weird around me,always thought it was cos I was younger. But I'm startin' to think they're just out for us both, simply hated me by association.
God damnit...I just got him back I don't need him dying on me.

Get well soon Sammy -Cedric